The Resilience of Ruinous Futures: Color, Urbanism, and Ecology in the Post-Jim Crow South


  • Kofi Boone North Carolina State University



This paper explores the roles topography and segregation played in the development of an urban African American community in Raleigh, North Carolina. Southeast Raleigh is a historically African American neighborhood on the edge of downtown. It suffers from being in a low-lying area, poor city planning, and the legacy of residential segregation. Hurricane Fran caused flooding and damage near a forested wetland. A grassroots development proposal includes remaining in the area and creating a wetland education park for economic revitalization. This proposal emerged from non-designers and was born of the everyday casual use of the wetland as a de facto community park. The paper argues that translating a perceived community liability into a perceived strength is an example of a counter-narrative. This counter-narrative challenges Raleigh’s imposed power systems that have marginalized Southeast Raleigh.


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How to Cite

Boone, K. (2009). The Resilience of Ruinous Futures: Color, Urbanism, and Ecology in the Post-Jim Crow South. InTensions, (2).